¥1,500 税込
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Postcard Holder
A Must-Have Postcard Holder for Travel Enthusiasts
This postcard holder is perfect for storing the many postcards that capture your travel memories. Why not store your favorite postcards as a tool to add color to new adventures and wonderful encounters? Displayed postcards will beautifully enhance your room, always igniting your wanderlust.
Postcards often carry precious memories, whether they are handmade art pieces, local souvenirs, or letters from friends, but finding the right place to store them can be a challenge. With the Postcard Holder, you can neatly preserve these cherished memories and easily take them out to enjoy whenever you wish. It's a luxurious item that keeps your travel memories close at hand.
Please handle with care when storing. Be mindful when handling delicate postcards to avoid any damage.
ポストカードは手作りのアート品や地元のお土産、友人からの手紙など、思い出深いものが多いですが、収納場所に困ることはありませんか?Postcard Holderなら、大切な思い出をきちんと保管し、いつでも取り出して眺めることができます。旅の思い出をずっと身近に感じられる、贅沢なアイテムです。
¥1,500 税込